It's the first day of december. Now, it's time to open advent calenders, baking christmas cookies and start searching for christmas presents. Unfortunately christmas-time is also subconsciously associated with stress. Mostly, the time before christmas is a period, where unfinished projects need to be finished before the year ends. This often takes a lot of time and makes it stressful to cope with christmas preparations additionnally to that. But I try to focus on the positive things to do before christmas as walking through enlightened streets with christmas decoration, walking over christmas markets and drinking hot chocolate.
The outfit I show you today is not christmassy at all. It's rather a sporty outfit wearing one of my coolest training suits I own. This one I bought of Kleiderkreisel over a year ago. Actually my prefered colour would have been pink, but there wasn't a good deal online at that time. So I went for the Shiny Red with Gemstones. I love that wearing a three striped training suit is a little bit trashy [or a lot?] and let's say, to casual for really wearing it outside the gym or your home. But with the silky blouse looking through, It gives a little less casual look. The Sneakers I wear here are vintage. I also mentioned them in this post wearing them with my silver jumpsuit.
// ADIDAS VINTAGE training suit // ADIDAS VINTAGE superstars
// NADJA KAUFMANN plissée shirt
December 1, 2016
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